Five windows light the cavern’d Man...thro’ one can look And see small portions of the Eternal World that ever groweth...
“In art school,” Grimes says, “we were told to look at nature as if we were seeing it for the first time. Now we look at it as if we were seeing it for the last time; hence the need to meticulously observe. My desire is to find the abstract in the natural and by close observation of the intensity of individual moments approach the transcendent.”
“While woodlands and thickets, frequent subjects of her large canvases, enable Grimes to more or less adhere to the two dimensions of the modernist picture plane as the ostensible arena for her vigorous brushwork and succulent surfaces, they simultaneously suggest infinite depth and inner mystery as well. Such is the complexity that Grimes courts, which is thoroughly in keeping with the epic ambition of the physical scale of some of her paintings suggests.” (Ed McCormack, Gallery and Studio)